The Swift Mentorship Program is designed to encourage developers to actively participate in the Swift open source community through direct mentorship with experienced developers. The program is open to everyone! The program also looks to foster mentorship relationships within Swift’s community groups, for those who are interested. Members of Women in Swift, Black in Swift, and Pride in Swift are strongly encouraged to participate!
Each mentee will have the opportunity to connect with and learn from an experienced developer within the Swift community, with the goal of them contributing code directly to an open-source project. The mentee can contribute to any open-source project written in Swift, or even in the Swift compiler itself, depending on the mentee’s learning goals. Mentors and mentees will be matched based on the learning goals of the mentee and the experience of the mentor.
If the mentee has not contributed to the project before, they will first work with their mentor to submit their first patch and overcome any workflow hurdles. The core of the mentorship program is making contributions that work toward the mentee’s learning goals. These contributions can range from implementing a small feature within the project, to several independent bug fixes within the same area of the project. At the end of the mentorship, mentees will have an opportunity for their contributions and learnings to be featured in a dedicated post on the blog.
Date |
Event |
June 12th |
Mentor Interest surveys open |
June 26th |
Mentor Interest survey deadline |
July 3rd |
Mentee Interest surveys open |
July 10th |
Mentee Interest survey deadline |
July 24th |
Mentorship pairings announced |
July 31st |
12-week cohort begins |
September 4th |
Halfway checkpoint |
October 20th |
12-week cohort ends |
October 27th |
Feedback deadline |
The 2023 mentor interest survey submissions are open from June 12th - June 26th. If you are interested in participating as a mentor, please fill out the interest survey here.
The mentee interest survey is not an application; but rather it will tell the Diversity in Swift workgroup about your technical interests and learning goals, which will be used to help match you with a suitable mentor. Although the survey won’t be evaluated like an application, the workgroup may not be able to match every interested mentee if there aren’t enough mentors, or if none of the mentors are equipped to help with your specific learning goals.
The Swift Mentorship Program is also a leadership opportunity for veteran community members, particularly if they are already an open-source project maintainer or frequent contributor. If you’re passionate about lowering the barrier to entry for new contributors in our community, please consider getting involved as a mentor!
Participation in the Swift Mentorship program is governed by the Swift Code of Conduct, and participants agree to the Swift Mentorship Program terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the program, please reach out to @diversity-workgroup on the Swift Forums.
How are mentor/mentee pairs selected?
Mentors and mentees will each fill out an interest survey. The survey is not an application, but rather it tells the Diversity in Swift workgroup about the participant’s interests, experience, learning goals, and more, which will be used to help the workgroup match mentor-mentee pairs. The interest surveys have a parallel set of questions to help evaluate whether the mentor has suitable experience to help the mentee with their learning goals. For example, the mentee questionnaire asks the mentee which specific skills/topics they are interested in working on, and the mentor questionnaire asks which specific skills/topics the mentor has experience with and can help a mentee learn about. A potential mentee will not be matched with a mentor if there are not enough mentors, or if there is not a suitable mentor to help them with their learning goals.
Are there any necessary qualifications to participate?
There are no necessary qualifications for mentees — the mentorship program is open to anybody 18 years and older who is willing to learn about Swift! Since this program is designed to encourage and help diverse developers overcome barriers and actively participate in the Swift community, the Diversity in Swift workgroup strongly encourages members of Women in Swift and Black in Swift to participate.
Mentors must be members of the Swift community (e.g., iOS developers, Swift compiler contributors, etc). Prior experience with mentorship is a plus, but not required.
I’m not a student. Can I still be a mentee?
Yes! This mentorship program is not limited to students.
What should I expect from my mentor?
You can expect your mentor to help guide you as you make contributions to an open source project, provide constructive feedback on your work, share their own experiences, and help you navigate the Swift community! You should not expect your mentor to make sure your contributions are accepted or assign work to you. You also should not expect your mentor to directly teach you. Think of your mentor as a teaching assistant rather than a teacher — they may suggest resources to aid your learning, answer questions, and discuss what you’ve learned, but they are not expected to give you a lecture on a technical concept.
What is the expected time commitment?
Mentors are expected to meet with their mentees at least 2 hours per month. The mentorship pair can decide how to distribute that time throughout the month. Mentees are expected to spend at least an additional 2 hours per month working on their contributions.
How will mentors and mentees communicate?
Most communication is expected to happen asynchronously on the Swift Forums. The mentorship pair may also decide to meet “face to face” via video chat or similar.
How long is the program term?
12 weeks.
How are open source tasks for mentees identified?
If the mentee does not have any ideas in mind, project maintainers and mentors may identify starter tasks that are suitable for newcomers to the project. For example, a good first issue. Beyond the initial contribution, mentors or mentees may suggest small “projects” that are implementable given the expected time commitment. Otherwise, every open source project has an endless supply of issues to be fixed! Participants may rely on the issue tracking system for the open source project to identify these tasks.
Is there an evaluation at the end of the program?
There is no formal evaluation at the end of the mentorship program. However, there will be an exit survey for all participants. There will also be a post on the blog to highlight mentees’ contributions and their learnings.
I’m interested in being a mentor! What should I do?
Please reach out to @diversity-workgroup on the Swift Forums if you are interested in participating as a mentor.
I have more questions. What should I do?
Please reach out to @diversity-workgroup on the Swift Forums with any additional questions you have!